Blue Skies Physical Therapy

Blue Skies Physical Therapy is a Physical Therapy clinic owned and operated by Dr. Nancy N Grieger, PT, DPT, EMT. The clinic can be found at Skylark Airport, onsite of Skydive Elsinore, in Team Room 8. In addition to traditional Physical therapy services, They offer emergency care, on-the-field assessment, specialized treatment plans for recovery and maintenance. Treatment includes manual techniques, strength and conditioning to areas such as cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, and a variety of modalities for upper and lower extremity pain and dysfunction. This Physical Therapy is a contracted provider for Private insurances such as Triwest, Blue Shield of California, and HealthNet, work comp panels such as SCIF, Medrisk and Homelink.
Nancy has been treating injuries since 2002. She has years of experience competing in sports: DII Softball, Swimming, Diving, and Basketball. Her hobbies include: Skydiving, Judging National (USPA & BPA) and world level (FAI) Canopy Piloting competitions, Mountain Biking, and Snowboarding. A variety of work experiences have exposed her to treating College, Professional sports, and extreme athletes, such as Cirque du Soleil, MMA, and many other professional competitors. Nancy is trained in manual techniques such as IASTM, sports massage, and mobilization. She is a certified strength and conditioning coach who is also McKenzie trained. Extensive experience in Physical therapy has created an opportunity to offer unique treatment plans, flexible schedules, and a team approach towards your goals.
TEL: 702-513-1153EMAIL: