The TPP has been designed to avoid airspace incursions by ‘tagging’ the parachutists on military training exercises with a mountable and TSO’d 5 lbs transponder The TPP allows the ATC and other aircraft to be able to locate and avoid the parachutist.
The TPP utilizes ‘Foreflight’; an IOS compatible application which allows the DZSO to accurately track the location of the parachutists under canopy. The integration of the transponder with this app allows all foreflight equipped aircraft to see the elevation and heading of the parachutists. An IPad will be provided to the DZSO in order to track the parachutist. Foreflight will also allow the DZSO to see any adjacent aircraft with their tail number / call sign, with this information the DZSO can has the capability to establish 2 way comms talk directly to the pilot and avoid an incursion before it becomes and airspace issue.
At P-2 the transponder code issued by ATC is entered into the unit and identified on Foreflight as ‘Jumper 01’. This image is at 12000 ft MSL. 10700 Feet AGL relative to Skydive Elsinore which has a field elevation of 1265 MSL.
Fore fight can also provide the DZSO with Heading / Bearing and speed of the parachutist. In this instance the parachutist is a 10450 MSL 1.2 Nm North West of the DZ.
This image pictures two aircraft in the vicinity of ‘Jumper 01’. N631TJ at 15200 AGL and KNIFE09 at 2700 AGL both moving eastbound. The extended line in front of both AC denotes the heading of both AC. Had either AC been on a collision course with Jumper01 then the DZSO would have the Call sign/Tail Number and advise that ‘Parachuting activity at Skydive Elsinore, canopies at 8300 MSL, please adjust to heading 150 to steer clear’
This image pictures two aircraft in the vicinity of ‘Jumper 01’. N631TJ at 15200 AGL and KNIFE09 at 2700 AGL both moving eastbound. The extended line in front of both AC denotes the heading of both AC. Had either AC been on a collision course with Jumper01 then the DZSO would have the Call sign/Tail Number and advise that ‘Parachuting activity at Skydive Elsinore, canopies at 8300 MSL, please adjust to heading 150 to steer clear’
On final approach the parachutist is depicted at 300 AGL as he makes his final approach into the landing area at Skydive Elsinore.